Consignment Policy
We accept women’s clothing and accessories that are current styles, in new or almost new condition. They must be freshly laundered and pressed with no tears, stains, pet hair or odors of any kind. They must be on hangers or folded neatly. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Items that are not properly laundered at time of consignment will either be rejected or a 60/40 split will be implemented in favor of Raks.
Items will be approved by staff prior to being displayed in the store. If any item is found to be damaged or not suitable for selling after consignment, for any reason, the item will be donated to a charity of Rak’s choice. No prior notice will be given.
Consignment period is 60 – 90 days depending on the circumstances which will be determined at the time of consignment. Items can be reduced 20% – 50% at any time during the consignment.
Our goal is to sell your items. If the item has not sold, the price will be adjusted. Items must remain on consignment for the full consignment period. Any item claimed prior to the conclusion of the consignment period maybe subject to a pickup fee to be determined at the time of pickup.
Consignment is split 50/50. Higher end items with a selling price over $500.00 may receive a higher percentage of the selling price to be determined at the time of consignment.
Any item remaining after the consignment period has ended will be donated to a charity of Rak’s choice. Donation slips are available upon request. Only items with a sale price starting at or above $75.00 can be claimed.
Price tag will reflect a small added fee that is paid for by the customer and will not be part of the consignment split. This fee covers all costs of processing consignments.
Items placed on consignment are consigned at the sole risk of the consignor. Raks Thrift Avenue will not be held responsible for any theft or damage of any kind. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Items eligible for pick up must be claimed within one week of the conclusion of the consignment period. Items not claimed in that time period will become the property of Raks Thrift Avenue and may be donated at that time. No prior notice will be given.
Consignor must call Raks Thrift Avenue at the conclusion of the consignment period to process any payment due to consignor. Checks can be picked up with prior notice or mailed. Any money owed may also be used as a store credit towards merchandise. If the money owed is not claimed within 6 months of the expiration of the consignment contract, payment may be forfeited without prior notice. NO EXCEPTIONS.